perform simple tasks on your repositories
A couple of utilities to work faster and easier on your code repositories:
- repost: push, pull, build and do things on all of your repos, or some of them
- github: command line client to github issues, following, watching, etc
All of them are written in php and can be run from the shell prompt.
repost is a script to perform simple tasks on your repositories at once.
Run it with no arguments to see available options:
Usage: repost <action> [<repolist>] Actions: build build with make or ant diff show what's changed in your working directories list list repositories log show last commit logs pull pull repositories from origin/parent push push repositories to origin/parent status show statuses <repolist> can be one of: * all (the default) apply command to all the repositories * a comma separated list of repository names and/or types. Eg. repost build repo1,repo2 => builds repositories repo1 and repo2 repost push git: => push all Git repositories to origin or you can execute any command with 'repost do <repolist> <command>'
Repost reads the configuration from the ‘.repost’ file in your home directory.
The config file contains a list of directories to look for repositories
(Git, Subversion and Bazaar at the moment) and an optional set of custom commands
to perform instead of the default ones.
Example .repost file
repobase = "/home/me/Projects:/share/workrepos" #example custom command #cmd.status.svn = "svn status --xml"
github is a command line client to some of the github’s features.
Run it with no arguments to see available options:
Usage: github <command> [<args>] commands: clone <repo> clone a repository create <name> create a public repository fork <repo> fork a repository forkc <repo> fork a repository and clone your copy info [<user>] get info on a github user (on me by default) issues (*) list (lists all open issues) or: {comment|close} <issue #> [<comment>] follow <user> start following an user followers [<user>] list followers of <user> (mine by default) rinfo (*) info on this repository unfollow <user> stop following an user unwatch <repo> stop watching a repository watch <repo> start watching a repository watchers (*) list watchers commands marked with (*) must be run from a working dir.Download
Download the source or clone the git repository at GitHub:
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